
APRIL 5, 2025
Sign up as an individual or as part of a team, recruit sponsors for you or your team, and then walk with us! Have questions?

JUNE 24, 2025
Annual Community Baby Shower And Open House
A donation drive restocking our baby boutique for moms and dads in our parenting program.

OCTOBER 30, 2025
Choices Annual Fundraising Banquet
Join us in celebrating what God has done in the past year and looking ahead to the goals and financial needs for Choices in the upcoming year.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHLS)
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a day to celebrate the gift of life, remember those lost due to abortion, and recommit outselves to the protection of humans at every stage of life.
Church Involvement
- Choose a video to play during your church service or to share in an eblast/newsletter within your church community.
- Download some of the predesigned images to promote SOHLS on your church’s announcement slides, social media platforms and landing pages.
- Include printed info cards for your congregation at no charge. Contact Jennie to order and pick up.
- Contact Jennie if you are interested in having a speaker from Choices to share about the ministry or the purpose of SOHLS.

Baby Bottle Boomerang
Our baby bottle fundraiser honors the moms and dads at Choices who have chosen life and are raising a new family. We’ll provide bottles for you to hand out to your church community on Mother’s Day for each person to fill up with change and dollars to bring back on Father’s Day. (Let us know if your church would like to host a baby bottle drive at a different time of year and we will be happy to accommodate that).
Please email Heather at hwhitfield@choiceschattanooga.org for any additional questions.

Stock Our Baby Boutique
You can support our new moms and dads year round by dropping off donations at our center, shopping off our Amazon Wish List, or doing a small group/church-wide baby shower drive.
Shop Choices Amazon Registry for most needed Items!